What You Need To Know Between Life’s Purpose vs Soul’s Purpose

Most people will speak about their Life’s Purpose based on obsessions with obtaining power, money, or love. Unfortunately (or fortunately), our Soul’s Purpose may differ from Life’s Purpose. It varies from one person to another based on the karmic baggage each person has brought into this current life cycle. Hence, we are in the current realm to resolve our Soul’s Purpose.

Our Sole Purpose Is To Find Our Soul’s Purpose

Do you know there is such a thing as our Soul’s Purpose: to fulfil our previous life’s unfulfilled obsessions? It is necessary to be obsessed and work to correct outstanding obsessions from our earlier lives into this life birth cycle as part of our karmic duty. Yes, our previous lives have unfulfilled obsessions that are presented to us to fulfil in this life’s birth cycle. We are like students who are given a correction task and must correct it before we depart from this world in our current form.

It is not erroneous to say that our sole purpose is to find out the outstanding task that needs to be corrected and start working on it. Once we can correct or settle the outstanding liability, we will not carry this karmic baggage into our next life birth cycle. Life would be harmonious and joyful from birth without any karmic baggage from our previous lives.

Today, most of us are going through various degrees of suffering because we do not know the specific karmic baggage (from past lives) that needs to be cleared in this life cycle. This burden from our past lives will be with us for the next cycles if we do not attempt to clear them.

Fret not; there is a way to discover our karmic baggage from previous lives and to determine our current soul’s purpose. This can be done by fully understanding the two magical imaginary grahas or planets. These two grahas can be interpreted through Rahu and Ketu in our Vedic Astrological charts.

Donald Trump Soul’s Purpose Is To Be A President.

This is the perspective of Rahu & Ketu, and it has been proven right.

The recently concluded election made Donald Trump the 47th President of the United States of America by a mile. This has been rightfully and undeniably his obsession from day one.


Let’s analyze this justification with his Rahu & Ketu’s placement as both can precisely tell us our soul’s purpose.
This can be explained in a straightforward and easily understandable way. In Trump’s Vedic Astrology chart, his Rahu is placed in his 10th House with the powerful Sun, followed by Ketu in his 4th House. (The 10th House denotes Profession, and the 4th House denotes Asset). The Sun, also in the 10th house with the Rahu House, denotes the need for Absolute Power.

It’s not wrong to say that Rahu and Sun in the 10th House make one passionate about absolute power, i.e. the ultimate governmental power. This is exactly what drives Donald Trump to be so aggressive in his pursuit of the top position in the world.

That’s the the explanation! We must understand that Rahu means “obsessions” in this life cycle.

It refers to an unfulfilled obsession from our past life that needs to be “corrected” in this present life cycle.

Once corrected, we don’t have to carry outstanding karmic baggage to our next life cycle. Therefore, Trump’s past karma is repaid in this very life cycle.


In essence, Rahu will become our unfulfilled obsessions, while Ketu will become easily achievable. This is because it has already been conquered due to its positioning.

From Trump’s case, we can understand why Donald Trump is obsessed with governmental power (10th House of Rahu & Sun) and how he has made significant progress in becoming a property mogul (4th House Ketu). His Ketu allowed him to enjoy the benefits from his past karma as his birthright in this life cycle. Property
dealings were like a walk in the park for him.

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