Harnessing the Stars: A Case Study on Health Predictions

I have known this gentleman for about 8 years. He is an important and influential person in the company he works for. He rose through the ranks to become a Vice President recently.

Like many other corporate people, he consults me for important decisions about his career path to maximize upcoming opportunities and minimise potential road bumps. That includes the occasional occupational challenges that he faces from time to time.

Background In Using Vedic Astrology

He faces peer pressure at work from every level, as the company looks towards him for leadership and guidance. As an employee, he also has backstabbing issues with his rivals. He consulted me only on career matters as he focused on his career growth.

Using Vedic Astrology To Consult About Health Issues

Some years ago, at 42, he decided to marry one of his office colleagues. They were both childless until he was about 45.

He came to see me for a health consultation for the very first time when he was 44 years old, as both he and his wife were not getting any younger with each passing day. They were ready to have children and tried hard but ultimately were unsuccessful.

Using Vedic Astrology To Calculate And Predict Health Issues

Upon checking his astrology chart, I mentioned that I was uncomfortable seeing the planet RAHU positioned at a certain degree of a specific zodiac sign. I warned him then that Rahu’s position would mean that he may have an Erectile Dysfunction (E.D.) problem or a low sperm count issue. At the end of the spectrum, which would be the worst scenario for him, it may also be an enlarged prostate gland issue.

He mentioned he doesn’t have an E.D. problem, and neither does he think he has an enlarged prostate gland issue, as he had no trouble urinating. He even boasted that he was leading a high-roller life overseas with a regular vanilla sex life. As such, he dismissed that his issue was due to low sperm count, especially if he did not have an E.D. issue.

To be safe, I also advised him to see a urologist for his health checks, including a fertility check. He took my advice seriously because he had wanted a child for 45 years and proceeded to consult a urologist.

Vedic Astrology Accuracy In Predicting Health Conditions

He consulted a urologist specialising in fertility, and true enough, he had a low sperm count, as per my prediction. This was the main reason his wife was not able to get pregnant.

He was shocked and devastated when the doctor said that his semen analysis report showed that his sperm count contained fewer than 15 million sperm count. This means that the chances of getting pregnant were slim with this number.

My prediction about Rahu’s position in that specific degree at a particular zodiac sign turns out to be 100% accurate for him in the immediate future.

The doctor suggested that he try In-Vitro-Fertilization (IVF) treatment, which he did. He spent a considerable amount of money and failed three times with the IVF treatment. He achieved a successful outcome only on his 4th attempt, much to everyone’s delight.

Shocking Truth With Fulfiling What Was Foretold 5 Years Ago

Remarkably and unfortunately for this gentleman, my prediction about Rahu in that specific degree at a particular zodiac sign turns out to be 100% accurate for the second time.

The gentleman came to me for consultation again when he was nearing 50, and his son was about 5. He called me, sounding desperate, and asked for a Vedic astrology appointment as soon as possible. Sensing his urgency, I felt obliged and gave him an appointment the following day.

When I saw him, he looked weary and depressed. He told me that his urologist, who checked on him for his urinary complaints, had said that he had prostate gland cancer during his recent yearly medical check-up. His life was turned upside down by this revelation. He was grateful for my early warnings and had gone for annual checkups for the last six years.

He had no other choice but to agree to do radiation therapy to shrink the tumour. The side effects were nasty to him. He lost a lot of weight and looked weary, like a man carrying the weight of the entire planet’s problems on his shoulders. He had also decided to resign from his high-paying job as it was too much of a burden for him to bear his personal and professional problems simultaneously.

Managing Health Through Vedic Astrology Prediction

Although he is, as of now, cancer-free and has been on a strict medication regimen plan, he still consults me on the timings to go for critical health-related events and to get early warnings for any untoward health challenges in the future.

This story reminds us of how powerful the planetary positions are, as they can foretell health problems before they happen. This buys precious time before the issues turn more severe.

Medical science treats the problem only when it surfaces. If only we had known earlier, wouldn’t we be better positioned to prevent it at the beginning stage? Doesn’t the saying “preventions are better than cure” hold water with Vedic astrology’s earlier detections?

Vedic astrologers are not taking a position that we can cure any illness. We are merely saying that it can be more easily cured from the onset if the information is foretold earlier. Earlier detection can be the game-changer between life and death situations.

We also know that Vedic astrology cannot trace every health problem. Still, the truth is that many health problems can be detectable from the Vedic astrology charts from the beginning to gain an unfair advantage compared to those who are ignorant of the benefits of Vedic astrology.

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