
Jyotisha Ravi

Your Truth Revealer

Find out how I have become the go-to Vedic astrologer for nearly 30,000 people.

my life path vedic astrology joytisha ravi

A Little Bit About Me

I was a stockbroker enjoying the high life before I became a Vedic astrologer. In the mid-90s, however, I experienced a streak of bad luck in my trading calls. Despite being an expert in the field, I traded and lost heavily in the stock market. As a result, my family experienced financial hardship during this challenging period.

I searched deeply to understand my predicament: “How could a trade that I had known so well and provided me with financial security could make me seem like a novice in trading?” No answer was satisfactory for me.

After my “fall”, a friend persuaded me to consult a Vedic astrologer. He was convinced that there must be a proper explanation for my downward spiral, especially a life-changing one that caused me to be financially ruined and emotionally strained.

Consulting A Vedic Astrologer

I was a disbeliever in astrology of any form. I was leading a good life and thought astrology was for people with low self-esteem, poor people who needed a sliver of hope or people who did not know what to do in their lives. 

I reluctantly agreed to engage a Vedic Astrologer because no explanation could satisfactorily explain my situation. And what’s a couple of hundred dollars when you are already scraping the bottom? I made the appointment, expecting nothing much but glad to have an hour to distract me from my misery.

Amazingly, the Vedic astrologer vividly explained my life history and the current predicament, using only my birth information. He mentioned the various periods and critical events I went through, including the current crisis with the monetary losses.

In hindsight, if I had been forewarned about this downturn phase, I could have minimised the financial losses and emotional strain my family and I went through. This is when I realised this privileged information is valuable and could help me reduce my stress (not entirely avoid it). As the proverb aptly puts it, prevention is better than cure.

The astrologer also predicted my forthcoming opportunities and issues. True enough, this insight helped me navigate my life, minimising the impact of unfavourable events while maximising opportunities in the coming months. The most fantastic thing he saved for last when he said, “Thamby (brother), trust me, your destiny shows you will be doing the same job as me one day.” 

Being A Vedic Astrologer

Lo and behold, what he predicted for me came true eventually. I was transformed from a disbeliever to someone charmed by Vedic astrology and started reading extensively. 

I soon realised that Vedic astrology is a science that can be used to calculate one’s life events based on the positions of the stars and planets in our galaxy. It is not based on some mysterious or magical forecasting tool as we think. 

I started to do readings for family members and friends. To everyone’s astonishment, my readings were relatively accurate for an amateur. Those joys of being able to help people plan better and have a better quality of life helped me decide to be a professional Vedic astrologer. Soon, I was deep-diving into ancient texts and studying under famous astrologers in India.

My Records As A Vedic Astrologer

I have impressed nearly 30,000 people across the globe with my interpretation of their life path. I am delighted and proud that my work has improved their lives. My clients are mainly from Malaysia, Singapore, and other Southeast Asian countries; some are from as far away as the Middle East and North America. They include royalties, politicians and people from all walks of life.

My Approach To Vedic Astrology Predictions

As explained, my reading method is scientific. It is based on the movement and position of the stars and planets, nothing of the occult or mysterious practices. In the photo above, I hope I look like your regular guy next door.

I am cheerful so that you can expect a few jokes during the consultation. I am also very direct with my approach and will call a spade a spade. You may get some unfavourable events, but we can discuss the options. 

I consider myself more fortunate because I have an authentic source of information and records on different life paths passed down for about 2000 years. This enhances my readings of clients’ life pathways.

I consider myself a messenger under the “Guru Parampara” of Vedic Astrology. This means I belong to the lineage of teachers that can be traced back to the Oracle of Vedic Astrology, Prasarar, which predates over 2000 years. I will and can only reveal authentic information—no Godly stuff or misleading messages to scare or confuse people.

I’m known to communicate readings in the most brutally direct and honest way without the bush. Why is it essential to convey readings in the purest and organic form? It can help us accurately understand our position during consultation, help you plan your life and make the best decisions for yourself.

My value as a Vedic astrologer is to “Tell You Their Truth” about you.

Milestones And Notable Achievements

Since 2010, I have actively participated in many social and business forums on Vedic astrology in Malaysia and have been a guest speaker for the Rotary Club (Royal KL chapter) in 2002.

I also appeared on Malaysian national TV in 2013 to speak about the wonders of Vedic Astrology.

In 2013, I authored a book, “When Discovery Becomes Changes, Lambs Become Lions” to promote Vedic astrology and its benefits.

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